Developments in the space area
One of the first implemented projects of our company on the software promotion was the participation in the RosAviaCosmos project on creation of a test complex for checking serviceability and for diagnosing malfunctions of space satellite onboard equipment. Our participation in this project included development of the following software systems for the test complex:
- development of test software for devices of the check-out equipment in the structure of the test complex;
- development of software diagnostic system.
The test software makes it possible to read out on-line various signals (digital, analog, discrete, transformer) from different sources (internal and external), to transfer, to process and to issue diagnostic messages in compliance with the military standards and customer's specifications.
During the test software development our experts took account of the rigid requirements (determined by the computing facilities) of a program size and of response time for interrupts from the functional equipment and particular reliability requirements.
The test software, developed in compliance with the modular approach, provides the simultaneous on-line execution of several tasks with a supervisor provided in accordance with the previously fixed program priorities and possibility of setting of tasks for expectation of some events.
Having passed the rigid acceptance tests of the customer (in compliance with military standards), the test complex has shown its reliability and efficiency for all time of the operation.
The software diagnostic system is intended for automated control of the off-line test and diagnostics of the devices included in the test complex during its tests and operation, with the use of hardware and software created by developers of the devices, built in them and intended for testing and diagnosing these devices.
The software diagnostic system provides:
- on-line interaction with adjacent program complexes while testing the test complex;
- input and recording of data on the devices;
- control of an off-line test session of one or a group of selected devices;
- automated recording of the off-line test results;
- automated fault diagnostics;
- automated recording of the off-line test documentation;
- check and recording of operator's actions during the off-line test session of the test complex devices;
- centralized storage and access to results of the off-line test and diagnostics in the computing environment of the check-out equipment.
While developing the software diagnostic system our experts took account of the possibility of increase of the functions nomenclature.